Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has had a blessed Easter weekend! My husband and I went to church this morning and I was in awe of how many people came. The sanctuary sits over 2,000 people and I didn't see an empty seat. It was amazing and humbling. Thankful that my God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for all of our sins so that we may have eternal life! Today we celebrate the empty tomb. Knowing that he rose from the dead on the third day is true evidence that one day all the saved will ascend to heaven with our glorified bodies.  What a day that will be!

Last week I came across an Easter treat that I thought was just too cute not to try. However, let me prep you by admitting I am in no means a “baker.” Usually when I try out a treat they end up nothing like the original pictures. These did not end up an exact replica as the original picture but close enough.

Ingredients you will need:
·         ½ cup butter
·         ¾ cup sugar
·         1/8 tsp salt
·         3 eggs
·         6 cups shredded coconut
·         ¼ cup Nutella
·         Mini Easter egg candy

1.      Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Then using an electric mixer or food processor mix the butter, sugar, and salt.

2.       Add eggs, one at a time, until mixed thoroughly. Mix in Coconut.

3.      Drop batter onto cookie shoot by tablespoons. Using a scooper or a spoon shape into little nests. Batter will be kind of hold to mold. I found that if I shaped the nests with my fingers it worked better. Make sure if you use a scooper to make an indent in the middle of the nest that you leave some coconut for the bottom.

4.      Bake. The recipe called to baked to 20 -25 minutes but mine ended up taking almost 30 minutes. Just keep watch on them until they are golden brown around the bottom edges and top.

5.      When removing the nests from the cookie sheet be careful! A couple of mine tried falling apart when I was getting them up. Mine had a brown cooked edge around the bottom. If you don’t like the brown edge you can peel this part off to make prettier nests.

6.      Wait until Nests are completely cooled. Spoon a little Nutella into each Nest. Instead of using a spoon I ended up putting some Nutella in a plastic zip-lock bag, cutting one corner, and piping a little into each nest. This will help get the Nutella into the Nest in a less messy way.

7.      After Nutella is in each Nest – smooth over with a spoon

8.      Top with Easter Egg Candy

9.      ENJOY! I am taking mine to work tomorrow so my husband and I don’t have to eat these by ourselves!

Total the recipe made about 23

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."  Matthew 28:1-10

Have faith,

Graceful Mrs.

Source Original link:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Grandfather's Legacy

It’s been a week from today. My grandfather fell asleep and woke up in paradise. 
It wasn’t too unexpected as he had been in the hospital for several weeks and even though we know he is relieved from pain and suffering we still are selfish and long for him to be with us here today.

This past week I had an opportunity to listen to stories from family, friends, and people I have never met but knew him.  Everything really got me thinking about my own legacy.  What will people remember about you when you are gone?
I knew my grandfather impacted a lot of people.  I just didn’t realize HOW many people.

My grandfather never finished high school. If I recall correctly, he dropped out after the 8th grade to help his family. Back then, he felt he was more of an asset helping his family and working. He met my grandmother when she was in her late teens and he was in his early twenties. They married and had my mom, 14 months later they had my aunt, and a little over a year later they had my uncle. All together they ended up having 5 children. My grandfather made his living off being a paint contractor. Being from a small town everyone came to know him and if they needed a painter he was the first one they called.
When I walked into the funeral home last Thursday, Max, the owner of the funeral home, was waiting for my family. I had drove in from out of town so I made it a little early and was the first to arrive. I had never met Max before and the first thing he asked me was who I belonged too. I told him who my mother was and come to find out, he had gone to school with her.  (Normal in a small town) Max also had known my grandfather since he was a boy. His dad owned a carpet business and worked very closely with my grandfather on contracting jobs around town. Max’s dad would put in the carpet and my grandfather would do the paint. He said that my grandfather was one of his heroes growing up. He would often have to tag along with his father to his installs and many of the contractors didn’t want children around. Many contractors would complain or not even acknowledge him. But my grandfather always treated him like a young man – a gentleman. My grandfather would teach him what he was doing, talk and share stories about growing up or his own kids -- all while chewing and spitting his tobacco. (I’ll personally never forget the comforting smell of beech-nut chewing tobacco) A kind heart, respect, and truth had a major impact on Max as a boy. Max said he stopped dreading going to the contracting jobs and started enjoying going to help. Now 50 years later he laughs as he recalls numerous stories throughout his childhood.

My grandparents were married for 60 years. They had their ups and downs and overcame all obstacles that came their way. Since my grandmother never learned to drive my grandfather would drive her everywhere – church, work, and the grocery store. While my grandmother shopped he would wait patiently for her in the car in the parking lot with the window rolled down.  A met a lady at his visitation who had said that is where she met him. She worked in a store next to the grocery store.  One day while she was on her break she struck up a conversation with him.  She didn’t know who he was but saw him frequently patiently waiting on my grandmother.  From then on if she ever saw him waiting she would go chat with him. She said that she always enjoyed their conversations and admired his deep love for his wife, family, and the community.  Unfortunately, love and commitment it just isn’t as frequent these days. He gave her hope and reassured her good people still existed.
Since he had such a large family he came up with the solution to plant a garden to provide vegetables throughout the year. He knew everything there was to know about gardening: When to plant what vegetables, what to vegetables to plant next to each other, what pesticides to use for bugs. One year he even bought guinea chickens to eat the grasshoppers.  Those were fun! Some of my oldest memories are going through his garden and looking at the onions, corn, and squash trying to decide if they were ready to pick. I always loved working in his garden and any vegetables left over he often would give them away to the neighbors and friends! He was always looking to provide for his family and anyone else who he could help.

I could go on and on for days on the precious memories and stories. At his funeral the pastor mentioned my grandfather going on a men’s retreat and praying for his wife, our family, and friends.  He was always thinking of others and glorifying God in everything he did.
He led a great legacy, one that won’t be forgotten. I’ll tell these stories to my future children and reminisce with my 10 + cousins about cracking Easter eggs on his bald head every Easter. (I’m pretty sure that is why he had a knot on his head)

Instead of being sad or upset, I am humbled, happy, and super thankful. I’m thankful he knew and trusted God. I’m thankful I got to witness to a strong marriage between my grandparents.  I’m thankful I got to witness a wonderful love and commitment to family, friends, and community.

We have this Hope as an Anchor for the Soul, Firm and Secure. Hebrews 6:19

Have faith,
Graceful Mrs.

Monday, April 7, 2014

60 years of Love

About a month ago, I had an opportunity to sit with my sister and my husband and listen to my grandfather reminisce about his love for my grandmother. He claims it was love at first sight. The moment he saw her he knew he would marry her and they would grow old together!  The memories flooded to him of the first time he saw my grandmother, when he asked her out, and some trying times of when they were first married. 
Listening to him remember ever detail is something that I’ll always hold dear to my heart. What an extraordinary love. A love that was hard, challenging, deep, and is still carrying on! They now have been married for almost 60 years!  What a testimony to what a relationship can handle. He believes that my grandmother is his one and only love and that only through faith in God has their love has survived. In a current day where divorce is high and commitment to marriage is lacking it is refreshing and a good reminder that a marriage and a relationship focused on God will prevail. 

My grandfather has always been honest about how their relationship grew through the years. He said some years went by very slow, it was challenging, and they had their struggles. Some years flew by - however, even thru the struggles they stuck together and did not give up. Now almost 60 years later, 5 kids, over 15 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren their love has multiplied!
Seeing their love throughout my life has been inspirational. May this be a pleasant and realistic reminder that love exists, conquers, and preservers. Even in today's society.

He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21

 Have faith,

Graceful Mrs.