Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Grateful for the little things..

This past weekend I had the privilege to spend a couple days with my family. It was significant in that it was the first time that my family has come together since the passing of my Grandfather and Aunt this past spring. This time of fellowship was exactly what we needed.

 My husband and I were sitting on the back porch with my parents and grandmother just watching the humming birds when a cool breeze blew. My Grandmother just closed her eyes and took a deep breath and smiled. She then opened her eyes and said, "That breeze is just wonderful!" It was so refreshing to see my grandmother so at peace. She is still healing from the loss of my grandfather but knows that she will see him again soon. Knowing that he was close with the Lord comforts her and brings her such peace. She shared some stories and habits he had. We laughed and reminisced - it was joyful!

It's situations like this that remind me of what an amazing God we serve.  A God that saves us. A God created the entire world. A God that loves, comforts, and heals us.

I am guilty of getting distracted by the world. When everything is quite, I clear my mind, pray and seek God's will -- I am instantly rejuvenated and grateful.

When life gets busy, let's pause and remind ourselves about the little things like a cool breeze, the sound of hummingbird wings, or a grandfather's quirks. God is with us always no matter where we find ourselves -- in the middle of a busy city of a back porch in the country.

Have faith,

Graceful Mrs.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The perfect hard boiled egg!

Finally. I did it. I figured out a way to make the PERFECT hard boiled eggs! I usually make eggs about once a week and I’ll make about half dozen at a time. I do this so that I have them in the fridge throughout the week as an easy snack to grab in the morning on my way to work or after a work out!

What you will need:
·         Pot with a fitted lid
·         Water
·         Eggs
·         Bowl of ice water

**This recipe is the same whether you are making one egg or a dozen  

1.       Start by placing your eggs in the pot and fill with water. Fill up until the water completely covers the top of the egg. Also make sure that the eggs are laid flat in the pot. (not on top of one another) Leave the lid OFF the pot for now. Turn on high and wait to boil!
2.       As soon as the water comes to a rolling boil – Turn off heat and put the lid on the pot.

3.       Set timer for 12 minutes

4.       While your eggs cook for the 12 minutes -fill up a bowl with ice water and set aside.

5.       As soon as 12 minutes are up remove eggs from water and place in ice water to cool for a couple minutes.

6.       Immediately start peeling the eggs. The easiest way to peel the eggs is to roll the egg on its side allowing the egg to crack the entire way around. This will allow you to peel the egg easily all in several big pieces. Peel all the eggs at this time – if you leave the eggs in the shell they will be MUCH harder to peel later.
7.       Enjoy your boiled eggs!

Pray More. Worry Less. Matthew 6.34 

Have faith,
Graceful Mrs

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Easy DIY Letter Wreath!

DIY Initial Letter Wreath

It’s June! Can you believe it?! This year has flown by!  My next DIY project was sent to me by my very best friend.  This wreath would make a great gift for a friend, family member, or cute party decoration! I ended up making one for my family home and another one for a friend who is expecting a baby!
Supplies Needed:
  • ModPodge (the one with the purple label)
  • Twine string
  • Ribbon or lace for additional detail (optional)
  • Burlap Ribbon
  • 1 sheet of scrapbook paper
  • 1 Initial letter
  • Hot or cool glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Pencil to trace
  • Small Paint Brush
 1.      Select your scrapbook paper then trace your Initial Letter onto the paper with a pencil and cut out. Set aside letter cut out.
2.       Apply layer of ModPodge on front of letter. Make sure you get the edges and corners really well. Don’t worry about if the ModPodge goes over the edges, you can wipe off with a paper towel or it just dries clear.  Immediately place cut out on top  layer of ModPodge.

3.       After you place your paper letter cut out on top or your letter you will then coat the top of the paper with Modpodge.  Let Dry. Do this step 3 – 4 times allow several minutes to dry between each coat. After last coat - set letter aside.

4.       To make a burlap bow or bow out of any thick ribbon lay as seen below:


5.       Gather ribbon in the middle with your fingers and pinch to hold

6.       Wrap twine around the middle of the ribbon to hold and tie in the back. You can also you floral ribbon in place of twine.  (remember this will be hidden if you chose to decorate more with ribbon or lace)

7.  For my example, I chose to apply a little lace flower I bought at hobby lobby pre-made. Glue with glue gun.

8.   Next you will need to decide how long you would like your letter to hang.  If you have thin twine you can braid 3 pieces to make stronger of heavier letters. With a glue gun – attach twine to the back of the letter.

9.   At the top center of your twine you need to attach it to your bow.  With a glue gun attach the center to the back of the bow. You can also reinforce it with added ribbon or lace around it.

10.   Sit to allow glue to dry. Once glue dries you are done!

I hope you enjoyed this easy project.  I know things can get crazy busy with the beginning of summer with school ending so  here is one of my favorite verses to keep fresh:

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for You.” 1Peter 5:7 

Have faith,

Graceful Mrs.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Looking for a new Career - Where do I start?

I love helping people find their DREAM job. Even though I am still relatively young in my own career I have be blessed to gain the experience and work with the top people in the hiring business. Most of my experience has been particular to the technology industry but the same foundation can be applied to any industry, any market, and anyone looking to find the right job.  

There are a lot of things to consider when looking for your next career move: resumes, market, staffing agencies, interviews, commute, money, and potential career growth to name a few. 

Before you start your job search you need to make sure you have a clear goal in mind. What is your motivation for a new job? 

When I talk to candidates there are often 5 main motivations on why they are seeking a new job. (In no particular order)

1. Career Growth
2. Commute
3. Environment - Culture
4. Length of opportunity - Direct Hire, Contract, Contract to Hire
5. Salary

Career Growth: 
If you feel like the position you are in has limited career growth you need to evaluate why you think it is limited. If you feel comfortable with your boss - bring it up in a one-on-one! You want to make sure you lay all your cards on the table and let upper management know you would like additional responsibilities or challenge. Yes, this can be intimidating but what is the worse they can say? "Sorry, we don't have anything!" If that is the case, you are back right where you started -  now you just know for sure!  

So what kind of career growth are you looking for - leadership, management, different technology, training, certifications? 

Once you establish what kind of career growth you are seeking you can seek those opportunities in your new job, ask about it in an interview and set expectations with your next opportunities.

Specifically within a large metropolitan area, commute is important. Some candidates I have talked to are completely fine driving over an hour each way, others only want a 10-15 minutes commute. If you are driving so far you have to pay hundreds of dollars in tolls and gas a short commute could help you financially and allow more time with family each day. Knowing what you want your commute to be will allow you to start with a specific territory to search in.

Environment- Culture
Have you ever worked somewhere you didn't like the culture? This could be anything from the people you work with, the office politics, or the work life balance. For example, in one of my past jobs I really enjoyed the people, my job, my clients, career growth, and $100k+ salary but... I had to work 70+ hours a week. In the end, it wasn't worth it to me.  It was hard to leave, but at the end of the day work life balance was more important to me. Every job I have had since then, I have set expectations from the beginning on what was acceptable. I don't have a problem working overtime when needed. However, I have to set boundaries - if it is a good manager - they will understand. 

Length of Opportunity 
With the change in the economy over the past decade you can take your pick on the length of opportunity you would like. There are contract, contract to hire, and direct hire. I have worked all of these! Now, just because it is a contract job doesn't necessarily mean it will be short term or that you won't have a full 40 + hour work week! The main difference between a contract / contract to hire and direct hire position is that with a direct hire position you will more than likely be paid an annual salary and have Paid Time Off. With contract or contract to hire you will be paid hourly! Thus, if you get paid for every hour you work - for example, if you work 60 hours... you get paid for 60 hours! Now, on a contract job since you are being paid hourly you will not have Paid Time Off. Usually this isn't an issue because managers will usually allow you to make up the hours or you may even be paid more per hour to help compensate. Based on what kind of length of opportunity you want that will immediately narrow down what opportunities you will entertain. 

Compensation is usually a touchy subject but one that you must be clear with to begin with. First you need to understand what you need to make as an individual or as a family to maintain your standard of living. You need to consider the TOTAL package including: annual salary, bonus options, stock options, gas, tolls, benefit costs, and vacation time. Also remember that making a move to a new job you may need to take a little bit of a hit because you are losing any seniority you may have built at your current job. When you are asking about bonuses – remember to ask how often they have paid out, this will give you an idea on the likely hood of you getting that. Benefits are probably one of the most important things to review prior to accepting a new job. Don’t be afraid to ask for the benefits when you start the interview process -you will need to know benefit costs when negotiating salary. If the benefits are great then you may be a little more flexible with your annual salary.

I always recommend candidates to rate their top three motivations. After you have identified your top three motivations then you can start looking at opportunities. If an opportunity doesn’t have any of the top three then it probably isn’t going to be the right fit. Remember, you are looking for a new career—not just any JOB.

I believe God always opens the right doors in his time. Do not get discouraged if a particular job doesn’t work out, that just means something better is right around the corner. Trust God and have faith and reassurance he has the right place for you.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Have faith,

Graceful Mrs.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

DIY Picture Coasters

I first made a set of these coasters for my Mom as a Christmas gift. I got the idea off Pinterest and it looked easy enough to try. I picked 4 family pictures ranging from when my sister and I were young till recent. It was a great hit and my mom loved them! This project can be completed in about 1 hour and it so easy!

For today's coasters I am making them for our family room so I chose a simple Monogram Image.

-Cardstock or Computer Paper
- Mod Podge
- Medium paint brush
- 4x4 cork coasters / tiles / wood tiles
*You can use a variety of materials as the base of the coaster. I have used cork boards and wood tiles. Both were easy and cheap!*


1.) Pick your picture or image that you would like on your coaster. Print on cardstock or computer paper. (Either will work!)

2.) Trace coaster around picture. Cut out Image.

3.) Apply a good layer of Mod Podge to the top of your coaster. Be sure to get the corners. The Mod Podge dries clear so don't worry if it gets on the edges.

4.) Immediately place picture on top of coaster and apply Mod Podge - smooth out. Then apply thin layer of Mod Podge on top of the image. Let dry for a couple of minutes.

5. After the top layer of Mod Podge dries you can apply the second and third layers of Mod Podge. Remember to let dry  for a couple of minutes between each layer of Mod Podge.

**You can apply as many layers of Mod Podge as you desire. The more layers the stronger the coasters become**

Your done!!

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.    1 Peter 4:10  

I hope you had fun with this project! Have a wonderful week!

Have faith,

Graceful Mrs.

Monday, May 12, 2014

DIY Birthday Calendar - Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s day! This past weekend my husband and I had the opportunity to visit both of our families! We spent time in fellowship and eating a lot of great food! It was fabulous!  I also was able to present my grandmother’s her Mother’s Day gift! My mother-in-law found this idea and gave me the confidence to make one! We have a large family so a birthday calendar made sense for our growing family! This birthday calendar can be made for any occasion and personalized to the individual! I put it together over two weekends however, if you get all your supplies you could knock it out in one day.

DIY Birthday Calendar

- Wooden Chips 1”
- Eye Hooks
- Rings (Like jewelry links on a necklace)
- Cardstock paper
- ModPodge
- 1” Circle Paper Punch
1 small paint brush
- Wood plaque
- Spray Paint (If needed)
- Letters (These can be cardboard, wooden, or a stencil)
- Drill – to drill the holes in the wooden chips
- Needle-nose Pliers1
- 1 Safety Pin

Decorate the Plaque

1)      Spray  Paint Wooden Plaque and letters (as desired)

2)      Let Dry

       3.) Glue letters onto the plaque and decorate if desired

Prepare Wooden Chips

I selected 1” wood chips. Each chip needs to have 1 hole at the top center and 1 at the bottom center.
3)      Before you drill the holes in each chip – mark with a sharpie
4)      Drill the holes in the wooden chips I used a 1/16” bit.

Tip: You have to be careful not to drill too close to the edge or it will snap the chip.

Prepare the front of the wooden chips

5)     I am not very good at using stencils and didn’t want to bother with stickers or trying to write each name and number so I decided to print the names and dates on cardstock. This allowed me to pick what font and saved A LOT of time. I just googled:  “Circle template” and found a free template that I was able to edit in PAINT.


6)      After I printed all the names use your circle punch! This will allow you to get a perfect circle and do it quickly! No trying to cut neatly with scissors!
7)      Once you have all the chips drilled and the front of the chips prepared now it is time for ModPodge! Use a small paintbrush and put a thin layer of ModPodge on the front of the wooden chip. Do not let it dry!! Place the cardstock on top immediately. After  you put the cardstock on put another thin layer of ModPodge on top.

8)      Let dry

Assemble the Chains

9)      Use a safety pin  to make the hole through the front of the cardstock. Since we only used a thin layer of ModPodge on the front the paperclip will go right through to the front from the back hole of the chip!

10)   After you create a hole you can see through thread your jewelry ring through the hole and connect the chips. I had to use needle-nose pliers to open the rings and close them but it was pretty easy!


11)   After you have all the chain links assembled you are ready to attach to your wooden plaque!

12)   Use a sharpie to measure and mark the board where you want to drill

13)   Drill 12 small holes evenly spaced (one for each month)

14)   Attach the chains with the eye hooks to the bottom


Proverbs 31:10-12 and 25-31
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. (NIV)
Have faith,
Graceful Mrs.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has had a blessed Easter weekend! My husband and I went to church this morning and I was in awe of how many people came. The sanctuary sits over 2,000 people and I didn't see an empty seat. It was amazing and humbling. Thankful that my God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for all of our sins so that we may have eternal life! Today we celebrate the empty tomb. Knowing that he rose from the dead on the third day is true evidence that one day all the saved will ascend to heaven with our glorified bodies.  What a day that will be!

Last week I came across an Easter treat that I thought was just too cute not to try. However, let me prep you by admitting I am in no means a “baker.” Usually when I try out a treat they end up nothing like the original pictures. These did not end up an exact replica as the original picture but close enough.

Ingredients you will need:
·         ½ cup butter
·         ¾ cup sugar
·         1/8 tsp salt
·         3 eggs
·         6 cups shredded coconut
·         ¼ cup Nutella
·         Mini Easter egg candy

1.      Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Then using an electric mixer or food processor mix the butter, sugar, and salt.

2.       Add eggs, one at a time, until mixed thoroughly. Mix in Coconut.

3.      Drop batter onto cookie shoot by tablespoons. Using a scooper or a spoon shape into little nests. Batter will be kind of hold to mold. I found that if I shaped the nests with my fingers it worked better. Make sure if you use a scooper to make an indent in the middle of the nest that you leave some coconut for the bottom.

4.      Bake. The recipe called to baked to 20 -25 minutes but mine ended up taking almost 30 minutes. Just keep watch on them until they are golden brown around the bottom edges and top.

5.      When removing the nests from the cookie sheet be careful! A couple of mine tried falling apart when I was getting them up. Mine had a brown cooked edge around the bottom. If you don’t like the brown edge you can peel this part off to make prettier nests.

6.      Wait until Nests are completely cooled. Spoon a little Nutella into each Nest. Instead of using a spoon I ended up putting some Nutella in a plastic zip-lock bag, cutting one corner, and piping a little into each nest. This will help get the Nutella into the Nest in a less messy way.

7.      After Nutella is in each Nest – smooth over with a spoon

8.      Top with Easter Egg Candy

9.      ENJOY! I am taking mine to work tomorrow so my husband and I don’t have to eat these by ourselves!

Total the recipe made about 23

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."  Matthew 28:1-10

Have faith,

Graceful Mrs.

Source Original link: http://laurenconrad.com/blog/2014/04/edible-obsession-easter-egg-macaroon-nests/